Monday, February 25, 2008

Priestly World Cup

Apparently, the Vatican decided its priests need a little bit of recreation.

I was driving and listening the the BBC world report, when along came a little story about Catholic priests playing football (soccer to you Americans) in an organized Catholic league. I found a much abbreviated story on the BBC web site here. But it was a good story. What I found most interesting about it was that the clergy are somewhat surprised at the presence, even among priests, of - shall we say - unsportsmanlike conduct on the football pitch. I guess they assumed priests should be immune from the anger that can often follow organized, competitive sports.

This should be no surprise to anyone who has ever experienced LDS "church basketball," where somehow, the spirit of competition and the spirit of contention are often intertwined.

Good luck, Catholic church, as you strive for good sportsmanship and unity among your priests - even if it is in a sport as notorious for bad behavior as football.

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