Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Family Tree

We used to have a family wall. It had pictures of all the families in Kristen's and my immediate families. Because we've moved several times in our marriage, we were always trying to figure out the best way to arrange the pictures.

After we repainted our walls, we thought it would be cool to put one of those family trees up that we've seen people do. I think often they're big vinyl stickers, but I have an artist in the family, so I said forget that - I'm only paying for a can of paint (but seriously, go check out Kristen's web site:

Kristen did the majority of the work - outlining the tree in pencil, and painting most of it (I did inside the trunk and large branches, and cleaned up the pencil after it was all done). And then we put up our family photos. Take a look at the finished product!

Also, here is a GIF of the process of Kristen creating the tree. Enjoy!