Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Let me begin by saying that this is an incredibly dangerous topic about which to write, but I'm going to risk it. And let me just say, yes - your baby is adorable. And yes, I may be lying.

Let me explain.

There is a saying that goes something along the lines of, all babies are beautiful. While this is a nice saying that makes everyone get warm fuzzies inside, it is actually a lie, perpetuated by nearly all women, to make mothers of unattractive babies feel better.

Let's face it - there are some ugly babies out there. Now, some people would genuinely argue with me and say, "No there aren't! All babies are beautiful!" I would venture to say that these individuals are the kinds of people who see the beauty in everyone. And I'm not saying that we shouldn't look for the inner beauty of each individual we meet. In fact, I'm strongly opposed to people being judged solely on physical appearance. But let's be honest with ourselves - there are some people out there who are physically unattractive. And think about it - if all babies are beautiful, where do ugly adults come from? Did they completely change from being beautiful to being ugly simply by growing up? Maybe. But not likely.

All I'm saying is that there are some physically unattractive babies in the world, and people need to publicly acknowledge the fact. Yes, all babies are precious gifts from God, and it's amazing to see new life created that is so fresh and innocent, but we needn't go so far as to say the kid is adorable, beautiful, pretty, or the most attractive baby we've ever seen...unless we mean it.

That having been said, I will wax hypocritical and return to my original comment: yes, your baby is adorable... But please don't ask me to elaborate.

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