Saturday, June 11, 2011

Atheists on Facebook

I know many people who are either atheist or agnostic. As many of my associations are among Latter-day Saints, many of these people are former Mormons. But these people don't just disbelieve in God - they are anti-theist. They attack religion and those with a belief in God. Consistently, their Facebook pages are filled with posts deriding theists. I don't understand these people. I don't see the same anger and hatred for other religions (or lack thereof) on the pages of any of my religious friends. In fact, I don't even see that on the pages of my atheist/agnostic friends who aren't Mormons. So why the attacks? Why do you spend your life trying to bring down a religion you left and said you wanted nothing to do with?


Lucas B said...

Heck yes.

Zachary Buchanan said...

I've noticed that too. There are a lot of people who have "Left the Church" but they can't "Leave the Church alone"

Alexander said...

Sad but true. I recently encountered a former friend from long ago (15+ years) that falls into that category. More than anything it just makes me feel sad, that something made them so bitter that they would not only turn their back on their beliefs, but that they would also turn against anyone who still holds to those beliefs, no matter if it's their family or friends. Just sad. :(