Friday, March 1, 2013

Tutorial: Getting Rid of Captchas

Hi everyone! I like to read blogs. I sometimes like to comment on blogs. However, almost every time, I have to complete a captcha, and I hate captchas. For those who don't know what one is, here is an example:

Basically, it is an image (or two images) of distorted words / numbers, which is designed to prove you're not a robot. Often, people will create programs to troll sites and add promotions for their products/sites to as many comments sections as possible. You've probably encountered them many times before. Captchas are good tools to prevent this from happening. But unfortunately, when you have comments enabled on your blog, the default is for Blogger to ask you to "prove you're not a robot."

Unless you're getting thousands of hits a day, though, you probably don't need this tool. In fact, most people don't even realize they ARE using this tool. So I implore you, PLEASE turn it off, so I don't have to try and figure out what those annoying images are while I'm commenting on blogs from my phone. Okay, now here's how to do it (for Blogger).

First, go to your blog's overview page. If you don't know how to get there, you just go to your Blogger account and click the name of your blog:

That will bring you to your blog's overview page:

Once there, click on "Settings," then "Posts and comments." Scroll down until you see "Show word verification," and switch that from Yes to No:

You're done! Like I said, super easy, but some people don't even realize that it's there, or that it can be disabled (after all, you probably don't comment on your own blog very often). Consequently, if you want to moderate your comments, you can also do that from this section. Happy blogging!


Taylor said...

I fixed mine for you. Now you better comment more.

Brianna Jean said...

Done and done!

Nae said...

Yeah, I didn't know mine had one. :) Now it doesn't.

Adam B said...

Will do! ;)