Saturday, November 10, 2012

Operation Gratitude: Technology

To anyone who spends time around me, it's no surprise that I love technology. My wife is most likely tired of hearing me say I want to control everything from my phone (i.e. the lights, garage door, TV, car, etc.), but I geek out over cool technology. I love my Samsung Galaxy SIII phone, my laptop, our iPad, my 60-inch TV (Kristen calls it a monstrosity). I love technology! I'm a little like Kip in that:

I most love what technology does for us. Technology allows us to connect instantly. Email, instant messaging, texts, phone calls, and now video calls/chats allow us to keep in contact with friends and family, as well as conduct business in real time around the world. I love being able to have my daughter see and talk with her grandparents, who are 1000 miles away, whenever she wants. Internet in the palm of our hands allows us to keep up-to-date on what's happening in the world, and connect another way: social networks.

I'm grateful for social networks, because that's technically how I met my wife. :) Without Mark Zuckerberg, who knows where I would be now. Social networks and blogs allow us to share memories and have shared experiences we might never have had otherwise. My phone has a digital camera in it that allows me to save memories visually, so that I can share them with others (and myself in the future). We take so many of these things for granted nowadays, but technology is quite incredible.

From a church perspective, technology also allows us to have access to all of the church materials, no matter where we are or what we're doing, and it allows the words of the prophets to be broadcast throughout the world. I am grateful for technology, and can't wait to see what the future holds. We'll have flying cars before you know it.

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